What: Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, and one of the most (if not the most) influential city in Scotland. Not only does Edinburgh boast a rich history and culture, but it is one of the major historical centers of the Enlightenment, the seat of the Scottish Parliment and the host of the world renown arts festival.
Where: Edinburgh is located in the United Kingdom, on the island of Great Britian, in the country of Scotland on the south-east coast. It lies on the east coast along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea.
The City: Edinburgh is only about 5 miles wide. Mostly everything is within walking distance, and if not you can catch a bus. The city is separated into sections each of them having their own specific identity and community.
Weather: The weather is relatively mild. It typically flucates about 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year. This is great in the winters, when the temperatures very rarely drop below freezing. However, it also means that a typical summer dayis between 50-60 degrees Fahreheit. And ...we do get quite a bit of rain.
Population: About 500,000 people. Although the population doubles in August due to the Edinburgh & Fringe Festival. Here is break down of the population by age group:
Language: Yes! They speak english, but there are a lot of different words and phrases used there.
Try to translate these words if you don't believe me :
Culture: Scotland as a whole is rich in culture. The Scots are very proud of their history and heritage. I have never met a Scot yet who takes extreme pride in their heritage. During the August, the city explodes with cultures, and not just British. People from all over the world flock here to take part in the largest performing arts festival in the WORLD.
Religion: "In Edinburgh, communities and individuals of differing faiths can live together harmoniously. The evidence of a diverse range of faiths is found in the variety of places of worship dotted around the city. Mosques, Jewish Temples, and multi-denominational institutions support local communities and provide a platform for sharing knowledge and facilities."--from Edinburgh Inspiring Capital. This statement is a witness to the growing pluralistic society in Edinburgh.

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