Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Tomorrow is my day. Tomorrow at 8am I will be leaving my home of almost 2 years. I am not sure I have actually processed this yet.

This past week and a bit has been absolutely wonderful way to end our time in Edinburgh and enjoy this beautiful city.

Bagpiping at the Highland Games

Highland dancing competition at the Highland games

Heavy Weight competition at Highland Games


The Caber Toss at the Highland Games

Before our dancing boat trip!

Forth Rail Bridge

Dance Cruise on the Firth of Forth


The Castle!


Street Performers

Festival madness!

Hamish the Hairy Coo on the Highland Tour


The Start of Glencoe

Strike a Pose!

Strike a Pose
A short little hike on the Highland Tour

At Loch Ness

Eastern Highlands

Love that Scottish Mist!

Abe's Photoshoot ;)

What a cutie!

Walter Scott Monument and City Centre

10pm at the festival

The Suessical Show

At the Ross Fountain!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Because of Edinburgh...

Written by: Ashley

We are just over one month away from our big international move. We cant believe it! How did that happen?

I have given my notice at work and my last day is just over two weeks away. Once it was common knowledge that I was leaving, I was bombarded with people and questions. The same questions everyone has to deal with when moving : Why? When? What's the plan? Are you excited?

Ahhh... these questions make my mind feel like a hamster on a wheel, moving so quickly, but not getting anywhere. My mind just spins faster and faster trying to comprehend the variety of emotions, but I cannot grasp it all.

You see, this move is quite emotional for me for multiple reasons....

First, we have developed great friends while we have been here and leaving friends is hard. Some of our favourite memories include our favourite people in Edinburgh. Nic made loads of friends at University, one of which he still meets with on a weekly basis for a pint and a chat. One of my closest friends here, probably doesnt even know that she is. She sits across from me at work, she is the quirkiest, most honest person I have ever met. One of our favourite families in Edinburgh, have been more than just friends, they have been like family to us. Celebrating holidays and birthdays with them, going over for dinner and games, and celebrating victories and mourning sadness. Our newest friends are just as weird as we are, which I think is why we are great friends. Only having moved to Edinburgh in May, they have been some of the greatest encouragement for us. We learned very quickly that we both like hanging out with each other, probably mostly because we make each other feel normal. There are so many people, some not even listed here, who have made our time in Edinburgh more enjoyable because we had good friends to share it with. 

Second, along with meeting great friends, we met an interesting group of Christians. Never before had we seen a group of Christians working as hard as they know how to bring God’s kingdom to earth in this city. Never before have we met such an eclectic group of people committed to each other and the mission of God. We have learned more from them than expected. We have learned things they didn’t even mean to teach us. We know what Christian community is, we know how it should function, and we know the struggles of making it work. We also learned about living missionally. While we might have failed on some occasions, we know that we have succeeded in others. Nic and I are unapologetic about being missionally-minded Christians for the rest of our lives and this is due to the influence Mosaic had on our lives. Leaving a group Christians like these is difficult, but we know that we are not alone and even if we are thousands of miles apart we are still working towards the same goal, makes it all the most amazing.

Third, Edinburgh is a very special place to us. It was our first home. As you might recall, Nic and I got married on December 30, 2011 and moved to Edinburgh on January 2, 2012. Edinburgh is very sentimental to us. Our first home was in a flat build in the 1600's, we had mice and horrible heating. We had a lovely garden to look out over. We had great friends from India and Ireland who wanted to learn how to make American Pizza. I burnt multiple things, including a sponge in the microwave, croutons in the oven and i set the toaster on fire. Our second home was a flat built in the 1800's in our favourite area of town called Leith. This was a much nicer, newer flat, but we still had mice, I still burnt food and we still had our friends over to dinner and games. While living at this flat, we got our first puppy, wee Abe, who has been a big part of our lived ever since. Edinburgh is a place of firsts for us, it shaped us and formed who we have become.

Last, things did not work out as planned. We thought we would be here for an additional 2 years minimum, but God had different plans for us. This was meant to be a learning and growing time for Nic and I as a couple, as individuals, in our marriage and in our professional lives. And it have been nothing short of that. We have learn more than we could have imagined. We have grown more than we expected and we are so grateful for that. Living in Edinburgh, away from everyone we knew and loved, starting from scratch has taught us lifelong lessons about what is means to be a completely independent adult, what it is like to live as a foreigner, how to work as a team, how to depend on each other, what it means to work out conflict in a Christian marriage, and what God has in store for us.

While there is great sadness in leaving Edinburgh, we know that our time here has not been wasted. We hope that we left footprints in people’s hearts.  Edinburgh has been good for us. Edinburgh has been good to us. We will always remember the lessons we have learned. We will not forget the foundation that was set for us in the realm of missional Christianity.  We will look back on our time here and remember all of our firsts. We will remember the laughs and fights, the moments of joy and moments of pain. We will remember all of the wonderful people we met here and the great times we had. Because of Edinburgh, we will never be the same.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Important Information

Hello All

We wanted to take a few minutes to thank you all for your support and prayers over the past year as we have been living and working in Edinburgh, Scotland. We feel truly blessed to have worked alongside God’s people to advance his kingdom in this city. We firmly believe that through our work immersing ourselves in our community, we have built a solid foundation for the continual development of the gospel here. Without your support and prayers, this would not have been possible.

However, at this time we feel strongly that God is telling us it is time to come back to the States. There have been some difficult factors that have influenced this decision. Some of these include continually functioning on inadequate support, instability in Ashley’s job, and otherwise. These factors have caused some emotional and spiritual damage to us individually and as a couple. Though these have been difficult times, through prayer and seeking the wisdom of others, we now see these things as affirmation of God’s leading elsewhere.

Our time and experience in Edinburgh has forever changed our lives. It is amazing how God has shaped and changed our plans in Edinburgh several times to fit his purpose. It has never been more clear to the both of us that we will forever we involved in “missional ministry” and this is due to what we have learned and gathered from our time here.

The remainder of our time here will be dedicated to continuing to build up our community in Leith and making sure others here are ready to take up the torch. We will returning to the States in early September and will be staying in Indianapolis for the time being. We asking that you would you consider supporting us through the month of October as we get our footing and settle back in to life in America. If you cannot continue to support us, we understand, but please inform us as soon as possible.

We would love to talk to more. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Again, thank you so much for your support and prayer. Please keep us in your prayers as we being this transition.

Love you,

Nic and Ashley

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


For the past two weeks we have been celebrating Leith and the distinct culture Leith has. In case you are thinking- LEITH? WHAT IS THAT? Well Leith is the area in which we live, but bigger than a neighbourhood. Leith actually used to be its own city, separate from Edinburgh. It is less than 100 years since Leith has been its own city, but everyone here is proud to be part of Leith. So.... every year just like there is an Edinburgh festival, Leith has its very own festival.

So - living in Leith and so proud to be part of it, we decided we would take part in this festival.

Let me tell you IT WAS AWESOME! The true character and culture of Leith came out. Below are a few pictures and videos of our experience with the Leith Festival.

Leith Gala- I have never seen so many people in Leith.
The Gala was full of food, music, booths and loads of Leith-ness. 
We went on a Leith History Walking Tour.
It was lead by the History of Leith Tour.
Yes we are nerds and spent our Friday night learning
about history. It was so cool to learn more about the past of this
place and how much Leith and the port influenced the rest of Scotland

We helped out at a Jumble Sale at the Primary School.
It was great fun and time to hang out with our newest
neighbours Drew and Christine. :)

Lorne Primary Summer Fair! This is literally a 1minutes walk from our flat and
we have come to know lots of families in the area and the children who attend the school :)

Leith Tatto was the closing event. Mass Pipers and drums was my favourite. 

Little Highland dancers! They were adorable. 

There is something amazing about the sound of bagpipes. 

There were even belly dancers at the tattoo, yet again a reminder of the
multi-cultural community of Leith.
I am gonna try to upload some videos here, but it never seems to work for me. But here goes any way....

We had a great time celebrating with our Leith friends and community. We should do it again! LIke next month! So much fun and so much to still learn. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

My Wednesday Nights

Ashley and I have been involved in a number of community activities in the city for a while now,  both together and on our own. Most of these we have talked about before in either our newsletters or our blogs.  We’ve got our hands dirty with the St. Paul’s garden project, Ashley’s craft group, “Blingo” night at school,  and events through a partnering organization called Inspiring Leith such as Archery day, Movie club for kids, and the community “Map of Leith”.  But there is one more group worth mentioning,, perhaps the group that I (Nic) am most passionate about, Pub Poker Night.

Hopefully that doesn’t drop too many jaws.  Yes, it does involve gambling (6 pounds,  less than the price of a movie ticket). Yes, it is in a loud and sometimes rowdy pub often full of very “earthy” people.  And its absolutely incredible! 

It should  be said that Pub culture here in the UK is much different than in the states (at least in my experience and by reputation). “Pub” is short for “public house” and is very much seen here as a central piece in the community. In my pub, the Harp & Castle, there are darts leagues, pool leagues, domino leagues, and loads of groups in to eat dinner and watch the football.

Now, if you have ever tried to interact with “locals” on a mission trip, or even just moved to a place where you don’t know anyone, then you know it can be difficult to connect with people who seem like they couldn’t be more different than you. And you likely over emphasize and cling to the one relevant issue you think you may have in common.  That certainly is the case even here, in a 1st world, English speaking nation. As a 24-year old American from a middle class family who just finished a masters Biblical studies, there’s not much reason for Terry, a rugged 37 year old street cleaner, to converse with me, let alone build a relationship. There’s no real reason Mic,  a 55 year old roofer, or Connor, a 20 year old University student, to strike up a conversation with me when I walk into a pub. They are locals, born and raised here. They brought their own friends. I’m not saying we wont have a conversation, even a very pleasant one. I’m simply saying that there’s not always an easy “in” to these people lives for outsiders.  And without a reason to see the same people often, it’s hard to get to a place in a relationship where you can speak truth into the lives of those you do life with. That’s where Poker comes into play.

I love it! I’ve played the game since Junior High. Its exciting and competitive and awesome. You might say, “Nic, there have to be other “better” or more wholesome groups that you can be apart of to connect with people. There are others, and we do some of those as well. But honestly, I think this is where Jesus would be. In these sorts of places, engaging with these sorts of people where they are. Plus, I know of few better activities for building community.

On a typical poker night, there are between 20-30 men and women show up, most of whom have know each other for years. Approximately 3/4 of the group actually work in casinos around the city. I go in to the pub and chat with  a few familiars,  grab a pint, and sit down at a table with 7 other people. Most nights I wearing the same “University of Edinburgh” jacket I normally do. I typically am “in the hand” (actually playing/paying attention to the game) 1 in 3 hands. The rest of the time we talk about life. I have to tell you, no other activity in my time here has generated more deep, honest conversations about God, the Bible, the Church, and religion than playing poker. They have accepted me as a friend and a “regular” so the hard part s over. I’m not a faker. In their eyes, I have a legitimate reason to be there and engage them in discussion. I ask them about themselves and they tell me about their lives. We talk about their financial struggles and about abuse in their marriages. They talk about football and about exams they crammed for the night before. Normal conversation. Then, seeing my jacket, they ask me what I study, I answer, “Biblical studies”…… EVERYONE has an opinion about the Bible.

The first time I showed up wearing that Jacket, I was asked about my studies, Jimmy has tons of questions for me. He lives in government housing a few blocks away from us; a place full of  “trouble and drugs” (his words). As soon as he heard me say that I studied “biblical studies,” he got on the defensive. He jumped at me saying “I’d study Islam or any Eastern or New Age religion before I looked more into the Church.” This then turned into a 30-minute conversation about the modern Church versus what is seen in the Bible, and even historical reliability of various religious texts. No one was saved, but no one stormed off from the table either. Jimmy and I have since had several interesting and relatively deep conversations. I have to believe God is working on his heart!

My friend Richie is probably the nest poker player I have ever met. He is also an incredible, stand up guy. He’s a 33-year old construction worker that comes with his wife, Lorna, that works in the casino. As luck would have it, we have ended up at the same table most nights I go. One three separate occasions, we have been joined by men who have either had entirely too much to drink to be playing poker, or are high on Marijuana. They are hopeless at a table like this, easily taken advantage of. Even though these men have been loud and annoying, I’ve tried to see this as an opportunity to serve and get to know people better. So, on these occasions, I have acted as their nurse-maids: making sure they put in the right amount of chips, helping them collect their winnings, making sure no one takes advantage of them in their state. After the second time of doing this, Richie complemented me on playing nursemaid to  “those poor buggers”. And preceded to buy me a pint—one of the highest forms of flattery in a place like that. Since them, Rickie and I have talked about his life, and he has heard me talked several tomes about the Bible and about the way Christians are suppose to live their lives, which is often very different than what have experienced in the local, disconnected churches around the area.

There are so many relationships I have cultivated now that I know God might use me in. There is Dave, the league organizer that spoke with me for nearly an hour about the way Christians have hated the homosexual community. Mike and his girlfriend Sarah are broken, but brilliant people, who spend 5 nights a week jumping around to different pubs. Paul, the perpetual stoner. Nikki and his girl friend Jenna. Carman. Connor, who just ran for student body president of his university class. I’ve met Terri, who thinks I have a deep southern accent and always makes fun of me, but who has a deep love for his sick wife. I’ve got to know Brian, a floor manager at a casino in town and gets incredible respect from the guys. He also buys me drinks on occasion, and we carry on extended conversations well after we finish playing at the poker tables. There are probably 2 dozen people in all that know me by name and would carry on a conversation without hesitation in that poker group and that I take great pride in. Many of these people I have seen and conversed with on the streets of Leith, because this is their home, and they recognize me as part of it.

Incarnational ministry, by living incarnationally—meeting people where they are, befriending them, loving them, speaking truth to them…. That what it’s about. That’s what Jesus would be doing. That’s the only way these people are going to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

I hope this doesn’t come off as bragging, especially since no one has been led to Christ …yet. But it is really exciting stuff and I come home many nights (very late) excited about the friendships and conversations God has placed in my life. Please continue to pray that I am wise, strong, and a continual representation of Jesus in a place and to a people who desperately need him…. They just don’t know it yet J

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Long Overdue!

WOW! I cannot believe that it is been 3 months since we have written on our blog. Sorry about the lack of communication everyone. An update is long overdue. It has been so long since that I don’t even know where to begin. So in order to jog my memory of the past three months, I had to look back at my photos and thought this would be the best way to update you

Mid- February
As your probably remember, we got a puppy, Abe.
He has been growing so fast. When we got him, just a month before
this picture was taken he could barely reach the table.
We went to a Scottish Ceilidh with some students from the
University and the first CMF team members to arrive in Edinburgh-
Kate and Andrew. It was so fun. I dragged Nic out there to dance for
almost every song!!
February & March
For most of February and the beginning of March
both Nic and I were sick. It seemed that we kept passing our illnesses
 back and forth just as the other was getting better. But Abe kept
us company and was a great cuddler!

Early March
We had our first garden project work day! It started off rainy
and cloudy but we had a great turnout,
probably 30-40 people from the community.

And then it SNOWED! Yes those are our clothes
we left outside- OOPS :)

It kept snowing. This March was the coldest and snowiest in
Scotland since the 1960's.  This is me walking one mile to work
and one mile home in the snow everyday of March.
However- I cannot claim that it was uphill both ways ;)

Mid March
We went to Stirling with a few friends to see the castle! 
Mid March
And here it is!!! Such an awesome castle and little city :)

Mid March
We attended BLINGO at Lorne Primary School! In case you are
wondering- Blingo is BINGO while wearing Bling. 

Late March
We have taken to walking, even in the snow and rain.
Surprisingly there were a few bearable days in March

Late March
We hosted our first Seder.
NIc made the traditional leg of  lamb and it was AMAZING.
We have decided this will be a ongoing tradition for us!
Late March
We invited 12 people to later realize
we only have enough seats to accomodate
12, including using the soaf and 2 lounge chairs.
Nevertheless- it was great fun and nice and cozy!

Late March- Easter Weekend!

Late March -Easter Weekend
We went on a 7.5 mile passion walk through
the city and up into Holyrood Park.
Abe even joined! It was great!

Late March- Easter Morning
Delicious food! Good Friends! and Sunshine!

Easter Weekend
Chocolate EGGS!!!!
Easter Weekend
Chocolate EGGS!!!!

Early April
Another Gardening Event!
The kids painted their own personal pots for the veggies.

Early April
Now time to fill them up! Sowing seeds!!!

Early April
Drawing out the garden plan!! It was awesome to see these
kids dream and draw out the garden as they would like to see it.
It even included a  roller coaster. Haha!

Early April
We went to Portobello Beach and it was SUNNY! 

Mid April
Mom came for a visit!!!!! Wooohooooo! So we got to be
 little tourists for a few days again!

Mid- April
Boat trip on the Firth of Forth!!! 

Mid April
Up Calton Hill to see the city-scape! And beautiful sunshine!

Mid April

Mid April
Nic's Birthday!!! Getting old over here! 24!!
Late April
The gates to the community garden were locked and this
sign was put up. So for now our garden project is on hold :(
We have talked to the owner and they are not opposed to
us using the space-they are just required to fix some issues. 

Late April
I hosted the first craft meeting at the Yellow Bench.
Mom taught us how to make Jewerly

Late April
Through my work we got invited to go to a Charity Ball!
All Expenses paid, plus a hotel for the night!

Late April
Isnt he handsome?
Late April
Mirror Picture 

Late April
Dancing till 1:00am at the Charity Ball

Late April
Sunshine on Leith! Gotta love it!

Early May
Ashley got a new book to read at work! Good Luck!

Early May
£6 date night! Ready to walk 4 miles in the rain!!!

Early May
On our date we went in search of a tunnel under
 Holyrood Park! Hidden Gems of Edinburgh!
Early May
Frozen Yogurt to finish it off. Delicious!

Early May
Since our community garden project has been put on hold for now,
Nic and I have taken to our back shared garden and trying to make
it a more beautiful and hospitable place for our neighbors to use.

Early May
Nic has really gotten into wood working. We found some
 wood in a bin on the street and Nic has been working away.
We has already made me a potato box, next he is making me a
herb ladder and a veg patch. He is doing so good, getting better and
better every time. 

Early May
Abe likes to help "garden" too!;) More like making
 flinging dirt everywhere and running around
 with giant balls of roots and leaving them all over the
garden! Haha!