Wednesday, 19 June 2013


For the past two weeks we have been celebrating Leith and the distinct culture Leith has. In case you are thinking- LEITH? WHAT IS THAT? Well Leith is the area in which we live, but bigger than a neighbourhood. Leith actually used to be its own city, separate from Edinburgh. It is less than 100 years since Leith has been its own city, but everyone here is proud to be part of Leith. So.... every year just like there is an Edinburgh festival, Leith has its very own festival.

So - living in Leith and so proud to be part of it, we decided we would take part in this festival.

Let me tell you IT WAS AWESOME! The true character and culture of Leith came out. Below are a few pictures and videos of our experience with the Leith Festival.

Leith Gala- I have never seen so many people in Leith.
The Gala was full of food, music, booths and loads of Leith-ness. 
We went on a Leith History Walking Tour.
It was lead by the History of Leith Tour.
Yes we are nerds and spent our Friday night learning
about history. It was so cool to learn more about the past of this
place and how much Leith and the port influenced the rest of Scotland

We helped out at a Jumble Sale at the Primary School.
It was great fun and time to hang out with our newest
neighbours Drew and Christine. :)

Lorne Primary Summer Fair! This is literally a 1minutes walk from our flat and
we have come to know lots of families in the area and the children who attend the school :)

Leith Tatto was the closing event. Mass Pipers and drums was my favourite. 

Little Highland dancers! They were adorable. 

There is something amazing about the sound of bagpipes. 

There were even belly dancers at the tattoo, yet again a reminder of the
multi-cultural community of Leith.
I am gonna try to upload some videos here, but it never seems to work for me. But here goes any way....

We had a great time celebrating with our Leith friends and community. We should do it again! LIke next month! So much fun and so much to still learn. 

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