Thursday, 16 August 2012

Greetings from Scotland!

Nic is a few weeks away from finishing his Masters of Theology. Studying at the University of Edinburgh has been a phenomenal experience for Nic. He has learned and grown so much as an academic and a scholar. However, it has become SO clear to us that God brought us here for more than JUST school.

Since moving to Edinburgh, we have been heavily involved with a church movement called Mosaic. They are a small community of believers that are trying to be and show Jesus to a culture that rejects him and finds the church cold, out of date, and irrelevant.  It was only about 100 years ago that Edinburgh was selected as the location for the world missionary conference and was considered the beacon of Christianity in Europe. However, with the rise of postmodernism/postchristianity, interest in the Church and Christianity experienced (and continues to) sharp decline. The rise of Secular Humanism has only added to the idea that church is unnecessary and there is no need for exclusive faith-based religion, never mind life devotion to God. Here people are encouraged to be self-sufficient at a young age and think that they can find life’s purpose on their own.

While, Edinburgh has gorgeous cathedrals and chapels throughout the city; many of them struggle to retain (and grow) their congregation, others stand vacant and some do not even functioning as a centre for worship any longer. While some churches trying to become more contemporary and relevant, many of the churches in Edinburgh remain quite traditional, or at least outdated.  Environments such as these are not exciting, attractive or inviting to those who are really in need of a church community and experience. It has become clear that for ministry to be effective here it must look and function differently.

Mosaic has realized the need for a new and different approach in order to reach people and it attempting to penetrate the city for Christ through alternative means. This is done through weekly worship gatherings, community groups, and missional living. Mosaic has been a great place of growth and encouragement for both of us even in the relatively short time we have been connected with them. One of the things that we love most about Mosaic and their vision is that they recognize and encourage everyone to use the gifts and passions they have to reach people within their immediate communities, those they see every day.

 Through Nic’s connections and relationships at the University, we have discovered our passion for engaging and interacting with young adults and the university students. The leadership of Mosaic has recognized and affirmed our calling and gifts to this group. As a student at the University, Nic has had an opportunity to understand the heartbeat of young adults here. We know their struggles and needs, the difficulties they face as young adults, and the important cultural, political and religious issues they wrestle with because we are right there, living life alongside them. There are 10+ colleges and universities in Edinburgh, and the city is crawling with students (over 57,000 in total), all of who are craving community and a sense of purpose in their life. We want to help them find both!

 We believe God has used this year as a time of preparation and growth for both of us. Since May, we have been intentionally praying and thinking about this ministry. The Mosaic leadership has asked us to officially partner with them and for us to develop a ministry for university student and young adults. We are beginning this ministry in September and have committed to this ministry for a minimum of three years. The basics of our ministry will include: 1) building up and disciplining a Christian community through worship, small groups and missional living; 2) joining and facilitating social groups to engage and make relationships with non-Christians throughout the city; and 3) taking part in social activism/justice opportunities to make a positive impact for the kingdom.

 Our goal is to raise about $1800 USD per month for living and ministry expenses. It would be great if you could support us in this new adventure. Whether or not you are able to financially support us, we really need your prayers and encouragement. Enclosed you will find a letter from James Petticrew, the leader of Mosaic, as well as a commitment card. We look forward to hearing from you. Nic is making a trip to the States on August 22- September 6 to generate interest and support in our ministry and would be glad to meet with you.

 Yours Truly, 

Nic & Ashley Alexander

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