Sunday, 10 February 2013

Inspiring Leith

Since we have been back in Edinburgh things have been crazy! A good crazy! We have been going what seems like non-stop and getting more and more involved on our neighborhood. Specifically we have gotten involved with an organization called Inspiring Leith.

Inspiring Leith is a new & innovative community programme supporting people in the Lorne & Casselkirk areas of Leith to get to know their neighbours better.

Nic has been meeting with the person who is organizing this project for months now and to see how we can get involved. A few weeks ago, we attended a meeting where they unveiled a map of Leith that the community compiled through interviews, sharing stories and gathering information about our neighborhood.

Today we also meet up with them for a monthly park clean up, which happens to be less than one block from our flat where we take Abe to play. We were a bit apprehensive, but they were all so nice and excited for us to be a part of it. We cleaned up for a while, ok Nic helped clean up and I played with two kids and Abe ;) Just had to be honest there. Afterwards, we went to the community centre for tea, biscuits, breakfast rolls and games. We ended up really connecting with them, specifically one family with lots of kids. Abe ended up being a big hit with the kids and they all took turned walking him on the lead.

Also because of the connections we have made, inspiring Leith will be partnering with us and our garden project.  On March 9th we will be having a clean up (and hopefully be able to plant some flowers) with our neighbours and others involved in Inspiring Leith. We are more than excited to get this rolling and continue bebuilding out realtionships with these people :)

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